
Congratulations on 5 years. Well done Angela.

A cherished member of our team, Angela has been delighting us with her lively spirit and outstanding service for five years.

As Angela celebrates her five years of employment, we took some time to reflect on her journey. Read on to find out a little more about Angela and her time with us.

What do you enjoy about working at DYRSL?

I enjoy making new friends with the staff, members and guests. DYRSL is a one-stop entertainment and foodie hub of the Northern Beaches, and it gives back to the community.

What is something exciting happening in your life right now?

I’m looking to buy a property, possibly in Queensland.

Describe ‘a day in the life’ working at DYRSL in your current position.

It varies depending on whether it’s a day shift or an overnight shift. My goal is to ensure everyone enjoys themselves.

What is a fond/funny/stand-out memory of your time here.

I loved calling Cash Housie every Saturday. I would start the session with a joke, and then others would share their jokes with me.

If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go and why?

Las Vegas – for outlet shopping, loads of entertainment, and zip lining down Fremont Street.

 What is the weirdest fact you know?

Termites never sleep.

 How would your friends describe you?

A bright, bubbly person who is kind and always thinks of others before herself.

 Favourite book / movie?

“Not Without My Daughter” – a true story.

“The Notebook” – I love romance.

Favourite Drink?

Toblerone cocktail – it’s both a meal and a drink!

Tell us something we don’t know about you…

I was the third employee in Australia for Apple Computers. I’ve met George Harrison from the Beatles. And I used to handle reservations for private homes on Hamilton Island for the rich and famous.

What is your go-to meal here?

Anything in Battery House!

What are some of your hobbies outside of work?

I used to be into home renovating and interior design. Now, my hobby is trying to get some sleep.

What are some of your personal goals this year?

Improve my fitness and buy a property.

As a kid, what did you want to be when you grow up?

A flight attendant – because I wanted to help people travel the world.

If you were to give your younger self some advice, what would it be?

Put yourself out there more. A smile and a laugh can change your day and others’.

What do you love doing the most in your work?

I love listening to people open up about their personal lives. I feel honoured that they share their life stories with me.

Who is your hero?

My Dad – the care and devotion he showed my Mum when she was dying took incredible courage and strength. They were soulmates.

Do you collect anything / have any strange hobbies?

I’ve kept every birthday card since my 1st birthday. I also keep my kids’ special baby clothes.