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Cheers to Celebrating 5 Years Josh.

Greeting you at Reception, if you’ve visited the RSL over the last 5 years, chances are you’ve seen Josh’s smiling face.

First point of contact for any visitors at DYRSL, as Josh celebrates his 5 year anniversary with us, we thought it fitting to catch up with him over a handful of questions.

Read on to find out a little more about Josh and his time with us.

What in particular do you enjoy about working at the RSL?

I love the atmosphere of the RSL and the people I’ve worked with over the years, everyone is wonderful, fun and make work enjoyable.

How have you seen the RSL change over the last 5 years?

Over the last 5 years the RSL has changed itself physically with the recent developments and also the environment, we have a very diverse crowd and community that come.

Describe ‘a day in the life’ working at DYRSL in your current position.

A day for me at the RSL is down in reception, greeting people at the door or behind the desk entering in all those endless Covid data entries but also having fun with all the gorgeous gals and two guys there.

What is a fond/funny/stand-out memory of your time here?

This was a tough one to think about but I’d have to say the countless time behind the bar, taking the beer taps off or putting them on and getting sprayed with a face full of beer.

If you could have one super-power, what would it be?

Super speed that way I don’t have to worry about being late for anything

What is the weirdest fact you know?

I’ve always loved Ancient Greece and let’s just say the weird facts I know probably shouldn’t be said.

Tell us something we don’t know about you.

I pole danced for a year and a bit.