
Cheers to Celebrating 10 Years Scott.

Meet Scott – a culinary maestro with meaningful tattoos, an aficionado of fine cigars, a travel enthusiast, and our talented Executive Chef at DYRSL. If you’ve savoured the exquisite dishes from our kitchens, you’ve tasted the culinary artistry of Scott.

Dedicated to delivering outstanding culinary experiences, Scott is celebrating a decade of contributions to DYRSL. Read on below and get to know Scott a bit more, including his unique touch that complements his mastery in the kitchen.

What do you enjoy about working at DYRSL?

DYRSL has a fantastic setup with seven kitchens and six restaurants, bringing a lot of variety in my job. Plus, having the creative freedom to experiment and create delicious dishes is a definite perk.

It is a great environment to work in and I  enjoy the staff and the customers.

What is something exciting happening in your life right now?

I am about to become a grandfather for the second time!

Describe ‘a day in the life’ working at DYRSL in your current position.

I start each day by thoroughly inspecting every kitchen, ensuring they’re neat, tidy and cleaned to standard. I review the daily rosters for each kitchen, engage in menu engineering as needed, and oversee the quality and presentation of all food products served to customers from every kitchen.

What is a fond/funny/stand-out memory of your time here.

A memorable moment for me was the opening of Battery House and the surprising achievement of selling 500kg of chicken wings in a week, defying everyone’s expectations.

I also take pride in mentoring one of our apprentices to win the Apprentice of the Year award.

Additionally, it was a great achievement when Flame was recognised as the best restaurant in a club/pub in NSW.

If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go and why?

My top pick would be New York. I am drawn to the city’s lively energy, delectable food scene, and the constant buzz that makes it truly unique.

What is the weirdest fact you know?

“Mageirocophobia” is a rather peculiar phobia that refers to an exaggerated and irrational fear of cooking.

How would your friends describe you?

They’d likely describe me as passionate, compassionate, and a bit on the crazy and nutty side.

Favourite book / movie?

For me, it’s Midnight Express, a film that holds a special place as it’s the first one I watched upon landing in London at the age of 19.

Favourite Drink?

I’m love a good Gin & Tonic, especially when it’s made with Hendricks and garnished with fresh cucumber.

Tell us something we don’t know about you…

I was born in Tasmania, departed school at 14, left home at 15, and set off from Australia at the age of 19.

What is your go-to meal here

I often go for the Bistro Sausages or Lambs Fry &  Bacon – it’s comfort food that brings me back to my roots.

What are some of your hobbies outside of work?

I spend my free time playing golf and working on restoring my 1860-built house.

What are some of your personal goals this year?

I’m focusing on improving my fitness and shedding some weight.

As a kid, what did you want to be when you grow up?

Ever since I was 13, I’ve had a strong desire to become a chef. In Tasmania, boys weren’t permitted to take up cooking. To address this, my father took legal action against the education department, and he succeeded in winning the case.

If you were to give your younger self some advice, what would it be?

Cut down on unnecessary expenses and prioritise traveling more.

What do you love doing the most in your work?

For me, it’s the opportunity to educate and inspire the younger generation of chefs.

Who is your hero?

Can I have two? Marco Pierre White and Anthony Michael Bourdain, both distinguished chefs in the culinary world.

Do you collect anything / have any strange hobbies?

I have a passion for collecting and savouring high-quality Cuban cigars in my backyard.